How to remove air bubbles from your epoxy
Clear and bubble-free epoxy finish
Achieving a smooth and bubble-free finish can be tricky for beginners who have just started working with epoxy resin. We collected some tricks for you to drastically improve your results when working with Nerpa Polymers Coating Epoxy.
Working temperature
Epoxy resin viscosity is highly dependent on the temperature. For example, Coating Epoxy is twice as thick when used cold (17°C) than when used at a specified working temperature (22-26°C). The thicker the resin, the longer it will take for the air bubble to rise to the surface. In addition, the smaller the air bubble, the slower its velocity towards the surface will be. Use resin at specified working temperatures to improve flowability and air release properties.
Optimal working temperature for our Coating Epoxy should lie within the 22-26°C range.
Propane torch
A propane torch could be a fantastic tool to bring the quality of your resin art projects to the next level. Nerpa Polymers Coating Epoxy has a unique ability to form thick coats without the need for recoating due to its high viscosity. The downside of the high viscosity is the compromised air release properties. Applying short bursts of flame will remove the air bubbles from the surface and also smooth and level the coat.
Nerpa Coating Epoxy mixed at 2000rpm to incorporate as many bubbles as possible. Picture taken immediately after application to the wood surface.
Propane torch bursts were applied 5 and 10 minutes later after the coating was poured on the wood surface. Picture was taken 24 hours later. A smooth, bubble free finish can be achieved with the help of a propane torch.
Temperature of the wood
The porous structure of the wood can cause bubbles to appear in your epoxy sometime after the coating or pouring stage is complete. A simple trick to avoid it would be to apply epoxy to wood warmer than room temperature. When wood cools down, the epoxy is forced into the pores, preventing air bubbles from forming.
Degassing vacuum chamber
A vacuum degassing chamber is the most effective way to remove entrapped air from epoxy resin. We recommend using degassing chamber for no longer than 10 minutes when working with Nerpa Coating Epoxy to leave some working time before the resin starts to get hot. Degassing will help remove micro bubbles that can be difficult to force from the resin unless a vacuum chamber is used.